Episode 6 – Everything Matters

First, a few notes about the Cheeky Sales Coach class. There’s a Sales Campaign Construction Kit over at cheekysalescoach.com. If you’re a paid subscriber, you can download that document. If you’re not a subscriber, that’s okay. You can figure this out for yourself.

Note also that we’ve added subtitles (captions) and chapters to all these videos and all the videos on the Relax Focus Succeed YouTube channel. Lot more details on that process are in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3my9CCDUqoY.

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Now for today’s content. In Episode Two we discussed the Sales Funnel. Today we’re dig into the pieces of the funnel to look at a very important point: Every single piece of your process has to do its job!

The word of the day is Entropy. That means a decline into disorder. What’s that got to do with sales? Well . . . you can only pay attention to a limited number of things. And whatever piece you’re not paying attention to right now will naturally start to fall apart and decay.

Here’s a very simplified funnel:

  • Leads
  • Call-Down script
  • Offer
  • Appointment
  • Proposal
  • Contract

Each of these needs attention in turn. How do you fix this? You have to build self-fixing into the process. You have to give every piece the attention it deserves. Some things need attention every years; others need it constantly, every week.

After all, there’s no magic in sales: It’s a process!

Feedback is always welcome. Fill out the form at https://cheekysalescoach.com.


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